Dept. Of Missing Posts


Back when His Malignancy first took the throne this writer began a Facebook page under the title "Devolution Days" simply because it seemed that way. That effort ran on Facebook for all the surreal four years of The Mad King's presidency and on into the turmoil of the post-election and opening days of the Biden presidency. At some point in the new year of 2022 the powers that be on Facebook warned me about re-posting a brief comic video of a young woman hijacking a Russian Armored Personnel Vehicle on the grounds another FB poster had complained about the woman's reported ethnicity? I disregarded the warning due to its ridiculousness on face not realizing the consequences. Before too long I was then given a month's suspension that has now apparently morphed into complete banishment. If you are unfamiliar with FB's structure let me just say there are no humans there with which to have a dialogue or plead one's case, it is entirely automated and very much like a twisted work of Kafka. If you are familiar with FB I need say no more. So it is that I begin this effort here.

Devolution Days was mostly a space containing reposted news stories focused on His Malignancy's bizarre statements and behavior, as well as his basic inhumanity and sociopathic  proclivities. Sometimes I would post a poem of my own or some sort of commentary but for the most part I let whatever news story concerning His Malignancy or his minions speak for itself with some pithy introduction of my own to set the stage. All that is gone now due to my banishment but I intend to continue on here now until the man and his enablers are safely put away. I hope you will find Devolution Days appropriately gobsmacking.



The Harris/Trump Debate

  Given His Malignancy looked for all the world like some swamp-dwelling ogre (think Kennedy/Nixon debate) growling and seething across from...